September 21, 2014

[Fun Stuff] The Amazing Prowess of Rajnikanth

Just for fun:
• Rajinikanth does not need a watch, he decides what time it is
• If Dracula bites Rajinikanth, then Dracula becomes Rajini's follower
• Ghosts sit around campfire and tell Rajinikanth stories
• Rajinikanth built the hospital he was born in
• Harvard got it's MBA from Rajinikanth
• Rajinikanth can Like a Facebook post even before it is posted
• When anyone says "No one is Perfect", Rajinikanth takes it as a personal insult.
• Rajinikanth can delete the Recycle Bin !
• Gmail's email address
• Once Rajinikanth signed a cheque and the Bank bounced!
• Rajinikanth counted to Infinity many times
• Once death had "Near Rajinikanth experience"
• Once Rajinikanth and Superman had a competition, The loser had to wear his underwear over his pants!
• When Rajinikanth visits Intel's office, they change their caption "Rajini Inside"
• Rajinikanth can make fire using two ice cubes
• Rajinikanth can slam a revolving door
• When Rajinikanth logs into twitter, twitter informs Rajnikant What's happening!
• Rajinikanth Accounting Answer Paper is Termed as "Accounting Standards"
• Rajinikanth can remember the Future !
• Rajinikanth once ordered a plate of idli in McDonald's, and got it.
• Rajinikanth doesn't age, because time cannot keep up with him
• When Rajinikanth logs on to, facebook updates its status message!
• It takes Rajinikanth 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
• Rajinikanth can breathe in Vacuum
• Rajinikanth can type a sentence on a calculator
• Rajinikanth can smell the sound
• Rajinikanth can boil an egg in ice water
• Rajinikanth wears sunglasses to protect the Sun from his powerful gaze

(Source: Internet)
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