November 03, 2016

[Fun stuff] Just about ad it

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It is the festive season, and while that may be reason enough to plan the celebrations, at some point, the barrage of festive sales has been hitting us right in the face of it!

So much that, you have to literally search for news in the newspaper.

Jug Suraiya wrote a nice little post in his treademark 'jugular vein' on this recent phenomenon, and is worth a read :)
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August 09, 2016

[Info] If you get an income tax notice

If they can, everyone would like to avoid the income tax department, leave alone respond to notices they send out following scrutiny of your income tax returns.

But, it needn't be that way - if you understand what each section stands for.
While not an infographic, this useful information recently appeared in the Times of India.

 (Source: TOI, 18 Jul, 2016)

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August 01, 2016

End of an era - VCR Heads...

If you aren't familiar with the full form of "VCR", then obviously you're more of a digital being of the world, than one who's grown up watching classics on VCP/VCRs.

While newer, digital technologies have far overtaken the magnetic tape/cassettes of yesteryear, and the VCR is headed for extinction, what surprised me was that there's still a company that's manufacturing the VCR heads.

Read this, for nostalgia-sake, and, maybe the VCR you've stashed away in your attic/loft, may be a worthy antique.
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February 28, 2016

Two simple things to ease the ordeal on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway

The Mumbai-Pune Expressway is a high-speed corridor that connects these two important cities of Maharashtra, and while it has been serving its purpose well, it seems to have been riddled with its share of problems time and again.

Once again, recently (Feb 21, 2016),an accident caused major disruption of vehicular movement leading to a major traffic snarl stretching for over 4 km, which took over 5 hours to clear up!

Jammed Mumbai-Pune Expressway, via TOI
And, then there was another one yesterday (Feb 27, 2016).

While much has been written about and said in the news, there doesn't seem to be a clear way out of the mess when such a situation does arise.

Sure, the expressway has eased the travel between the two metros and continues to offer a pretty comfortable and convenient mode of road transport all these years.

Two things which could be considered, to simplify things and ease the burden, especially during such unfortunate incidents would be:

1. Introduce a way for commuters to know the status of the traffic well in advance so they can make a choice whether to get onto the expressway or not.
Specifically, toll booths and rest areas should prominently display the status of the traffic along the expressway to inform them of the type, and density (low, medium, high) of the traffic. In case of known incidents, indicating the estimated time for clearing, and/or recommendations can be very helpful to avoid pile ups for miles.

2. In addition to, or besides the means to pass on information as above, regular updates via a radio channel would also help people make better and informed choices.
In fact, one of the grouses of the corridor is the problems faced by commuters at either end, where traffic within each city is usually more troubling at some well known spots (eg. Panvel, Sion, Wakad, etc). Having some information with regards to this as one approaches the cities can go a long way to ease traffic woes, not to mention the saving of time and fuel burnt by the hundreds of vehicles.

A half-hourly regular update could go a long way in managing the situation in times like these, without overburdening the existing resources or infrastructure.

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10 Interesting Facts About the Taj Mahal (and more)

The Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world, is undoubtedly one of the world's most visited places for its remarkable architecture, beauty, craftsmanship and history.

Here are 10 interesting facts about the Taj Mahal, that you might not have known.

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