August 09, 2016

[Info] If you get an income tax notice

If they can, everyone would like to avoid the income tax department, leave alone respond to notices they send out following scrutiny of your income tax returns.

But, it needn't be that way - if you understand what each section stands for.
While not an infographic, this useful information recently appeared in the Times of India.

 (Source: TOI, 18 Jul, 2016)

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August 01, 2016

End of an era - VCR Heads...

If you aren't familiar with the full form of "VCR", then obviously you're more of a digital being of the world, than one who's grown up watching classics on VCP/VCRs.

While newer, digital technologies have far overtaken the magnetic tape/cassettes of yesteryear, and the VCR is headed for extinction, what surprised me was that there's still a company that's manufacturing the VCR heads.

Read this, for nostalgia-sake, and, maybe the VCR you've stashed away in your attic/loft, may be a worthy antique.
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