September 25, 2010

What's in a name - IT companies of India :-D

1. NIIT: Not Interested in IT

2. INFOSYS: Inferior Offline Systems

3. TCS: Totally Confusing Solutions

4. WIPRO: Weak Input, Poor & Rubbish Output

5. HCL: Hidden Costs & Losses

6. HUGHES: Highly Useless Graduates Hired for Eating and Sleeping

7. BAAN: Beggars Association And Nerds

8. IBM: Implicitly Boring Machines

9. SATYAM: Sad And Tired Yelling Away Madly

10. PARAM: Puzzled And Ridiculous Array of Microprocessors

11. C-DOT: Coffee During Office Timings

12. CMC: Coffee, Meals and Comfort

13. DELL: Deplorable Equipment & lacklusters

14. PSI: Peculiar Symptoms of India.

15. ORACLE: On-line Romance And Chatting with Lady Employees.

(Source: Internet)

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September 21, 2010

Talking Newspaper - The World's First: In India

As is pretty routine everyday, I picked up the Times of India in the morning, with my cup of coffee. As the pages were unfolded, for a moment there was an unfamiliar sound, seemingly coming from the pages of the paper. For a moment I thought, may be I accidentally placed my hand on the TV remote on the sofa, and the news channel may have come on. However, that wasn't the case.

The voice of someone speaking was clearly audible, and with that momentary concentration, I could make out that the man's voice was describing a new car. I turn the paper, and Lo, Behold! The last page was a full-page ad of the new Volkswagen Vento, and the newspaper was talking!! Yes, that's right, it was talking!

In the few seconds that it took to realize what was happening, this was quite an experience, probably the first of it's kind in the world; most definitely the first time in our life!

Volkswagen's launch of the new Vento, is sure a sleek vehicle, and the innovative strategy by VW today, with the talking newspaper, is sure to cause a buzz for some time.

This may be the beginning of a new era in print media (we'll have to wait and watch), but on second thoughts, after a while, it can get quite irritating, if I may say so.

For more stories of the 'talking newspaper', check out:
Volkswagen spends Rs. 6cr on 'talking newspaper'
Talking Newspaper from The Times of India
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